Reverb Digital Marketing

In most cases, consumers have a lot of different businesses to choose from. As a business owner, you know this. The whole point of marketing your business is to convince consumers to choose you, after all. Your marketing isn’t the only thing that attracts consumers and retains them though. Building trust matters too.

Learn to Connect With Customers

The more of a connection customers feel with your business and your brand, the more likely they are to trust your business. The connection comes through quality customer service, which lays the foundation for trust. When combined with quality products and personalized touches at customer connection points, greater trust can become a natural byproduct. This doesn’t happen by accident though. Each of the things you do to build connections with your customers must be done deliberately and with care.

Earn Positive Reviews

Your current customers aren’t the only ones you need to establish trust with. If you’re going to attract new customers, you need to establish that they can trust you before they even reach out to you. Your reviews are one of the best tools you have in that regard. Around 84 percent of consumers trust online reviews just as much as a personal recommendation. You earn positive reviews through the quality experience and services you provide. After that, the simplest way to get your customers to give you reviews is to ask.

Build Your Authority

Who would you trust more? An expert or someone who isn’t established in their field? You’d trust the expert, right? Consumers tend to operate the same way. They’re more likely to trust you if you’ve established your brand as an expert authority in your field. Building a business blog with quality content can help, as can guest posting on other blogs. You can also build your authority using a backlink building strategy. Backlinks act like citations on the internet. The more quality backlinks you have linking back to your site, the more authority you build as a brand. As a bonus, it can help you rank higher on search engines, which can also contribute to your brand building greater trust.

The more trust you’re able to build into your brand, the better off your business is likely to be. You can build greater trust by learning to connect with your customers, earn positive reviews, and take steps to build your authority as a business. You’ll likely see your efforts reflected in greater customer satisfaction and retention as you work to build trust in your brand.

Are you looking for a marketing plan that actually works? Let us help! Start by contacting us here.

Faith Zeller

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